Shed Open Day – June 2024

Whitworth Mens Shed open day

Thank you to everyone who attended our Shed open day at Whitworth Men’s Shed last weekend. The event was a great opportunity to explain what sorts of activities go on at the Shed.

It was wonderful to be able to talk about what it means to our members to have such a valuable community resource on our doorstep. The Shed is open throughout the week delivering a variety of activities including practical and social sessions. It is an important place for local men to meet up for a brew and a chat.

Wooden items including bird boxes, seasonal decorations, and garden planters made by shedders, were on display. We were also able to discuss various requests and ideas for bespoke orders.

Of course, tea and coffee were available, and Len, Ray and John (the members of resident Shed band ‘Len Zeppelin’) entertained with music throughout the afternoon!
Our grateful thanks to the local businesses who supported us by advertising our event. In particular the Whitworth Amateur Musical Drama Society (WAMDS) for all of their help.

Guys, did you miss our open day? Don’t worry, you can come down and find out more about what goes on anytime we are open. You are always welcome to pop in for a brew and a chat.

If you would like to find out more first, please get in touch!

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